
Welcome to the Sammii Rose Network. This network is a showcase of the websites that I have currently and a little bit about them. Please enjoy yourself and feel free to contact me at samrose372@gmail.com if you have any questions or concerns.

The Network

Site Name: Eccentricity
Type of Website: Graphics and Design
URL: http://eccentricity.sammiirose.com/
Description: A graphics website showcasing the graphic stylings of Sammii Rose. I make anime graphics, graphics from the pictures I've taken, graphics from Disney, Pixar, and Dreamworks movies, graphics from Japanese Dramas, and more. There's a little bit of everything. Please stop by and let me know what you think!

Site Name: Group Theory
Type of Website: Fanlisting Collective
URL: http://grouptheory.sammiirose.com/
Description: A fanlisting collective showcasing things I am a fan of. Please stop by and visit all the Fanlistings and join any that apply to you!

Site Name: Infinity
Type of Website: Photography Portfolio
URL: http://infinity.sammiirose.com/
Description: A photography portfolio showcasing the pictures I have taken. Images range from Animals, to Flowers, to Landscaps. Let me know what you think!

Site Name: Tangent
Type of Website: Personal Blog
URL: http://tangent.sammiirose.com/
Description: personal blog where I post some things about me, those stupid quizzes that I find so addictive to take, and a lot of my favorite things.

Howl's Moving Castle Image: Here
Everything Else: The SammiiRose Network